
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Sunset Quilt

Another baby quilt for a friend and this one was a little hard to part with.  I really like it, and think I need to duplicate it in a bigger version, and try different colors, particularly one for a boy (quilt meausures 40x48in).
 Inspiration for this quilt found here.
 I almost bound it in a pink polka dot, but then I remembered I had these sweet, tiny hearts, and they were perfect.
I quilted around each square.  I mostly quilted in the white, so my white thread wouldn't stand out on the black
Sweet little Heather Ross Ballerinas on the back.

(fabric colors: here)


  1. I love it! The subtle lack of symmetry is great. And the colors - beautiful.

    What is the heart fabric?

  2. This is stunning! I the colors are gorgeous and the effect of all those HSTs together makes my heart swoon... It's perfect.

  3. Those colors are stunning together. I love the simplicity of the design, yet how captivating it is. And perfect backing fabric choice (and binding too)!

  4. I love this! What colors did you use?

  5. What a great quilt! It's fresh and the dark fabric is fun and unexpected. And those cute ballerinas!! I want to buy some of that fabric for myself.

  6. Your quilt is beautiful! Very soft and snuggly looking too.:) Love how saturated the colors are!

  7. I love this so much!!! I have had that same quilt pinned on pinterest for so long and always look at it...this is inspiring me to finally make an attempt at it!

  8. You know, sometimes there is just nothing better than triangles. This is such a great quilt and I love the position of the different color values. That heart binding is wonderful!

  9. I love this quilt! Beautiful colors and I really like the simple quilting.

  10. Hi, I absolutely love this! I would love to see the larger version if you've gotten to it?

  11. Gorgeous!! All of your fabric choices go so well together!
