
Friday, September 29, 2017

I'm still here...

It's been a while since I've been on this space, but I'm hoping to be back more regularly.  Summer always gets the best of me, my kids keep me busy (as they should) when they are home all day...
I live just outside Houston, and we were hit by Hurricane Harvey a month ago. I can hardly believe it has been that long.  Our home went under mandatory evacuation and we moved as much upstairs as we could, packed up our car with a few items and our family and left.  What a roller coaster of emotions the whole ordeal has been! We were lucky and spared damage to our home, but we have been busy helping those less fortunate. The picture above shows how close we were to flooding.  I live on upper side of this creek, and just over the bridge was flooded. :(

I have new respect for natural disasters, and especially flooding. It is devastating! It's one thing to see it on the TV, it's another to walk into and see it in person. Working side by side with homeowners as we cleaned out their flood damaged homes, tossing so much of their lives onto the curb, and then gutting the damaged floors, walls, cabinets is heartbreaking. These are real people, just like you and me... Flood water is no respecter of persons. It's been very humbling for us. 
I have learned that people are kind. They are good. They want to help their neighbors. People aren't selfish, they are generous. There isn't as much hate as Facebook wants us to think there is. For over a month I have seen it in my community and in person. It gives me hope that the world is a better place than I might have thought it was before Harvey. It makes me really hopeful for my kids. They are going to be okay. This world isn't as scary as I thought it was.

As clean up winds down for me (not so much because the work is done, but because the homes have become so moldy that it's not safe for most of us to go into), I'm hoping to get back to normal if possible.
My youngest started Kindergarten this fall, so all four of my kids are in school now (after being out for 2+ weeks). I'm finding pieces of time here and there to sew again. I started another half square triangle quilt, because it might be my favorite block. No rhyme or reason to this one, just random pairings of fabric...and I really like it.


  1. God bless you. I am grateful you and your family were able to safely evacuate. Where are you living until your home is redone?

  2. I hope you and your family continue to be safe. I hope the clean up for all the victims continues to move forward in spite of all the difficulties.

  3. I'm so glad that your home was spared, and grateful that there are lots of good people like yourselves who show up to help their neighbors in need~ Love what you're doing with the HSTs too.

  4. I am glad that your home remained undamaged by the flooding. It is so heartbreaking to see or hear about the devastation from the hurricanes. I have always thought there is more good in the world than what is shown in the news and social media. It's just unfortunate that the ugliness of some people gets so much attention. Looking forward to seeing how your new project completed.

  5. Such a tragedy for all involved ... thank you for the volunteering you have done and for sharing with us all.

  6. So happy you and your family AND your home is safe. What a blessing! I'll never forget how kind you were to reach out when my bro and law and his family were displaced. What an ordeal for so many, many, many people!
    I'm so happy you are carving out time to see again. I love your posts and your creations are my most favorite!
    One of these days I'm gonna get my act together and learn this half triangle magic. You're always turn out SO so good!
