
Monday, August 18, 2014

drawstring bags

Whoa, has it really been 2 months since I have been on here?  It's summer, and we are in our last week of it and I am not really ready for it to be over.  My kids have certainly reached the point when they need to get back into a routine, but I love the lack of structure that we have right now.  I'm not looking forward to the homework and busy afternoons.   Who's with me? the 4pm-8pm (during the school year) are the WORST!
Jeni's Lined Drawstring Bags are the best bags.  My son had a birthday party a couple weeks ago and wanted a piñata.  We were with lots and lots of cousins, so we made bags for all of them.  I didn't mind.  I love making them and pairing different fabrics together.  They are perfect for collecting piñata loot and toting it around with other treasures.


  1. I love these bags, too! And the fabrics you've used are some of my very favorites. Lovely!

  2. Drawstring bags are good for so many things- these are so sweet! And yes, I too love the lack of structure and routine that the summer brings. My kiddos too, however, are ready for a schedule agian..... that is until I go to wake them up at 6:45 am. :-)

  3. These are all so darling. I need to try one

  4. The bags are adorable! And I'm on the other side of the clock myself - teacher. By 4pm, the whirlwind is quieter and it's time for my own "homework", but I don't give out much of it. I hope your afternoons go smoothly this year. May the homework fairies be kind to you all!
