
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pirate Pow Wow

Yep, another Pow Wow, for another baby.  What can I say, it's a favorite, and one of the quickest quilts to put together from your stash.  You can use what you have, mix and match colors, or use fabrics from one line.  I love it.  (I still have one more pow wow to show you after this one.)
I don't have a lot of pictures of this one, I snapped 3 quick ones as it headed out the door to it's new owner.   I was hesitant about this darker background fabric at first.  I didn't know if it was too brown for a baby, but it was all I had at the moment, so I went for it, and I like it.  It's not too dark (which was a big concern) and it's different.
The Pirate fabric on the back was the starting piece for this quilt.  I knew I wanted to use it, it's a bright tomato red nice surprise on the back.

On another note, I have been getting a lot of spam comments lately, and am thinking about turning comments off completely.  I really don't want to, but it's just so irritating.  Anyone else having these problems?  Any suggestions?  I hate to turn comments off, they are fun, but I also get so sick of them clogging up my inbox.


  1. The quilt is lovely, mixing blues and browns.

    About comments, you can control them by comment moderation, every time a comment is made you receive it in your inbox, and then you can choose publish, or reject, it is what I do because I was having the same issues, and then you don't need the word verification.

    Greetings from Spain

  2. The "check this box to prove you're human" methods seem to work pretty well. I love being able to comment!

  3. this is such a gorgeous quilt, I love that brown/ beige background fabric. It's perfect. And the binding, wow!!!

  4. I started getting spam, so I turned off anonymous comments and that fixed it. Pretty quilt!

  5. That's so cute! I love the back.

    for the spam, i would recommend comment moderation too. I'm surprised the letter validation hasn't worked!

  6. You've officially made way more of these quilts than me. ;) It's so cute!!!

  7. You can show us infinite pow wows! ...cause they're so fun!

  8. I was getting lots is spam so I disallowed anonymous commenters and that took care of it. Anyone who comments now has to have either a blogger account or google+. I really like the colours in your quilt. Looks like a fun one. Perhaps I could incorporate this into my quilt I am making with arrows : )

  9. Oh, lovely, lovely, lovely!!

    I have tried a number of things and have just decided to deal with it. Most of the time, blogger filters them out so they don't actually end up on the blog but I don't really know if there's a 100% effective way of getting around them.

  10. Another cute one! I hope you don't have to lose your comments! That would stink.

  11. Another cute one! I hope you don't have to lose your comments! That would stink.

  12. Before you turn off comments (if that's what you choose to do), I just wanted to say how much I love your quilts. Your Pow Wows prompted me to buy the pattern, your churn dash quilt makes me think, 'Actually, maybe I do like a churn dash.' Your courthouse steps is beautiful, and I could go on through your back catalogue saying what I like about each quilt but I will summarise by saying I just really like your style, your aesthetic is so appealing, and you are one of the quilters I aspire to be like when I've done enough to earn my quilting stripes. So thank you for sharing what you do in your blog, I'm impressed by every mother of young kids who manages to sew and blog about it as well. Best of luck keeping the spammers at bay!
    Kate from Melbourne, Australia
