
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

ginger quilt

My oldest daughter is 7 years old, and just before she was born I made her this baby quilt.  She LOVED that thing (still does).  It went everywhere with us, church, grocery store, airplanes, bed.  It was her number one comfort item.  Over the years it has suffered from wear, and eventually she didn't "need" it as much.  But it was still always in bed with her. 
Fast forward 5 or so years and my 2 year old discovered how soft and cuddly it is, and pretty much stole it from her big sister.  Luckily she just likes it for sleeping, but it has always bugged her older sister.  I haven't been super fond of it either.  It's pretty ragged, and I don't want to see it completely wear out.
One day, my 7 year old suggested I make a new one for my 2 year old.  I thought that sounded like a fair plan, so we went to work making a new one for Christmas.  At first I wanted to make it as close to exact as I could, but decided I didn't want to buy any fabric for this project, so really only the pattern is the same.
I kept warning my 7 year old that this might not work.  Her sister might not care for a new, crispy quilt.  She might just want her older sisters quilt that is broken in and soft.
But you know what, it worked.  My 2 year old loves her new quilt and was even willing to give back the old one!  Yay!
I love both of these quilts, they seem so sentimental to me.  I keep wondering if I'll have to make another version for our next baby.


  1. Oh, so sweet. The story is what matters most.

  2. What a lovely story and what a bright 7-year old you have!!

    I love that binding, do you know what it is?

  3. Very, very nice! So glad it worked!

  4. Gorgeous!
    What's the striped binding fabric?? I love it!

  5. what little girl wouldn't love this quilt, beautiful and surly a keepsake....

  6. I found my daughter still was using her childhood quilt at the age of 38! It was one of my first and not so great, in my eyes, made with sheeting for the whites and huge blocks. But it was soft and cuddly, and getting VERY worn on the binding. [Some of it was dog fightss.] So I took it home and cut off the old binding. I had just enough of the SAME fabric still in my stash to rebind. And I made a few other repairs.

    Now it's back at her house and we are both happier.

  7. I love them too.. I love making blankets for kids and babies. I just think that they have the possibility of truly loving them. I mean deep love and you just don't get that when you give an adult a quilt. Love the new one and I definitely think you should make a spare ;)

  8. That is so sweet and I think it's cute that they are the same yet different.

  9. My girls have soft, broken-in quilts too. After giving them their "big bed" quilts for Christmas it was no problem to remove their hand quilted baby quilts from their beds. I'm planning to stitch sleeves on the backs and hang them above their beds for a few more years of enjoyment without more wear. There's no way I could find the right fabric to rebind!

  10. Adorable! Great colors and love the little girls in the center of each block.

  11. aahhh what a lovely story so much love and memories all sewn into both of those. Its great that the girls love them and use them. dee x

  12. Both quilts look very cuddly. I'm glad it worked. Sometimes two years olds can be.... particular. Ha!

  13. So sweet. I kind of love the look of the worn out quilt but I know what you mean about not wanting to let it get completely threadbare! You have lucky girls!

  14. i love how much the first quilt is loved, and i bet the second one will be as loved as the first. i heart start quilts!

  15. Gorgeous quilts! Both of them!

  16. They are the sweetest quilts! ...and will be treasured Im sure.

  17. Such a bright and happy quilt. I am hoping to make one for my daughter this year. May I ask what size these are? It seems like the perfect size to carry and sleep with :)

  18. Aw such sweet quilts! I love it :)

  19. I love that story. So sweet to know that your quilts are loved by those you love!

  20. Makes your heart swell :) Isn't that why we quilt :)

  21. Gorgeous quilts. I love the story behind them. Jacinta

  22. You're smart for getting the worn quilt out of her hands. We had the same situation with nephews and the quilts I made them. Now there are two quilts that didn't survive their childhoods...
    Love the fussy cutting and the new color, it's gorgeous!

  23. Aw, I'm glad it worked out. And in the end how nice to have sister quilts for your sisters.

  24. Two adorable quilts. Glad it all worked out.

  25. Gorgeous quilts ,i love them no wonder your little ones love them so muchx

  26. stunning quilt, such a lovely choice of fabrics,Im sure it will be much loved and used. I think its lovely when a quilt is so well loved it starts to wear out

  27. I love your story. I'm so glad they both have a quilt now! The quilts are so sweet!

  28. This is what I hope for every time I gift a baby quilt, that it will be loved to pieces :)
    Awesome post, beautiful quilts & sweet little girls who will each have their very own special quilty gift from their mama - love it!

  29. what a sweet story! i love the binding.

  30. I just found your blog and am absolutely in love with this quilt. I am using Sarah Jane's fabrics right now for a quilt for my daughters. And I know I want to do a star quilt next, but this just combined the two so sweetly that I want to go sew it up right now. Thanks for sharing!

    (I'll be posting more pics of my quilts someday...

  31. Great story and both great quilts - of course you need to make another one! and another....?!

  32. I also just found your blog and I love this sweet quilt!
    Question for you: Do you happen to know the name of the fabric you used as binding? Also the light blue with polka dots? Absolutely LOVE them together.

  33. Wow! Both quilts are 100% charming. They are beautiful treasures for your little girls to dream under.

  34. Simply Lovely! Can you please direct me as to what this pattern is? I'm a beginning quilter & need all the help I can get:)
