
Thursday, January 20, 2011

book review: Mix & Match Quilts

I received this book in the mail several days ago and have enjoyed browsing through it.  It's called Mix and Match Quilts with the Accuquilt GO!  There are 12 projects in this book and they are all designed using the GO! cutter.  

If you have a GO!  cutter, this book is fabulous, but even if you don't have one, the projects are still doable. 
I was asked to review the Hidden Stars quilt in this book.  I have to admit that even though I consider myself a pretty modern quilter, I LOVE traditional quilt patterns.  I'm not good at them, but I love to look at them.  
I enjoyed the Hidden Stars pattern so much, that I decided to try it in some colors/fabrics that are more me.  I fell in love with this quilt that I first spotted around Christmas and decided to duplicate the colors using the Hidden Stars pattern.  (I know Christmas is long gone, but for several years I have been wanting to make a Christmas quilt, but when the holidays roll around, I don't have time to make one.  I have to do it now or it will never get done!)
I don't have all the dies to make this pattern, but I was able to adjust the size of the blocks and use my 2 1/2 inch strip cutter and make it!  I love this in a scrappy version!  I think the stars are going to be even more hidden than the original!

find the book here.

next stop on the book tour:  quilt hollow


  1. i'm waiting patiently for my go cutter to arrive (my mom bought it for me for my birthday and it's on its way!). i'll have to check out this book. :)

  2. I'm a huge fan of the traditional quilt patterns. Your stars look great!

  3. I have a friend who has a go cutter and graciously said I can use it any time. This block is great! Love your color choice too.

  4. You have no idea how flattered I am Nettie! I have long been so inspired by all you do and I'm positively ecstatic that I could make a quilt that inspires you!

    I LOVE those blocks you're working on, and go for you for starting now. I started mine in November and spent many late nights trying to finish it before the big day!

  5. I love those blocks! They look great and the scrappy color combo is perfect.

  6. Oh I'll check that out. I love my go!!!

  7. It makes a ton of sense to start a Christmas quilt now! I totally understand...there's never enough time anywhere close to Christmas!

  8. Thanks for taking the time to write this book review for your readers.

  9. The hidden stars look great. I love your take on it. Thanks for the review.

  10. Hidden Stars sound like fun...I am a sucker for stars. You're smart to do your Christmas quilt out of season, then you can ENJOY it at Christmas time instead of STRESSING about it! :)

  11. It has been interesting to read the review. I like your version.

  12. I have the cutter, but haven't been up to using it...hopefully one of these days. =) I did cut out blocks for a rag I need to do the back.

    The book looks great.

  13. I would love to do this without the triangular bits! just the squares only. I had cut out squares for a disappearing nine patch but I am going to switch to this!

  14. I am thinking that I like your fabric choices better than the one in the book! Way to go.

  15. Nice pattern, thanks for the review

  16. ohhhhhhh I bought myself a baby go for christmas and that is perfect! better go and get myself one as a few more dies!

    thanks for showing one of the blocks made up! it's one thing to review a book on your blog and another to actually make a blog! yay I love it! thank you!


  17. oops I meant make a block! sorry:)

  18. I like your scrappy version best! Doubt I'll ever get to try the cutter but I gave my rotary mat a good spring cleaning yesterday :)

  19. I love your scrappy version , that will make a sweet Christmas quilt.

  20. Your stars are great and great start on Christmas! Can't wait to see this book.

  21. One of my favorite patterns that I've seen so far is Bed of Roses.

  22. I will have to get that book! It looks great!

  23. is that really how the pattern works? some of the "home plate" shapes are whole, and some are a rectangle + a flying geese? interesting!

  24. Oh my gosh. I REALLY LOVE THIS! I've gotta make this.
