
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

katie jump rope strips

this quilt was a special order, and i am hoping to do another to put up in my shop...look for it after the holidays.

this will probably be it for a while, i have a busy november ahead of me and am going to put my sewing machine away...(hopefully).


  1. I love the colors of this quilt! How did you come up with it? If I had seen those fabrics on the bolt in the store I wouldn't have thought it would all go together. How do you do it?

  2. The quilt is lovely-I especially love the binding!

  3. I just love your style and sense of color. I would wither and die without my machine! (my word verification is dyings) :o)

  4. What a fine use of did a wonderful job matching all those fabrics together. Too bad Denise's lovely line of fabrics are so hard to come by now. It just looks like a happy jump rope quilt!

  5. when you first posted about this, I thought that it was 2 different quilts! now I see. it turned out great!

  6. Just lovely! Love that Katie Jump Rope fabric, as well as all the others you mixed in. The vertical quilting is great - I've been wanting to do something like that!

  7. I just love your Katie Jump Rope quilt...great use of color! Please don't put your sewing machine away...I love seeing what you make!

  8. I love the colors in your quilt, then again I always love your color combinations! Which reminds me, I noticed when you posted the photos of your stash, you have quite a selection of Japanese fabrics. They are too cute and I was wondering were you purchased them.

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love the variation in the width of each stripe - Great work as usual!

  10. Beautiful - as usual!! Will miss seeing all your amazing creations during the next month! Good luck with the busy-ness!

  11. It's wonderful! I don't know how you could put your sewing machine away. I think I would go nuts.

  12. What a lovely quilt! I love the colours... :-)
    Have a nice day, Pedi

  13. This is really lovely. It is funny how plain stripes - in the right fabric - is wonderful!

  14. I love the colors! I'm new to quilting and think a strip quilt like this would be pretty easy for me to start with! Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. I love Katie Jump Rope. Why would they discontinue it? Doesn't seem like a sound decision to me.

  16. I love LOVE love this quilt. I am jealous of whoever it is that ordered it.

  17. i llove the colors on this quilt. lovely

  18. Nettie: I noticed your comment at crazymomquilts about ordering Flea Market Fancy off e-bay. Can you tell me where you were able to get it in fat quarters? and how much?

  19. Nettie, this is gorgeous! I love it as much as the quilt I ordered from you! Happy holidays :-)
