
Monday, September 8, 2008

stacked coins doll quilt

I used leftover scraps from this quilt to make another doll quilt.

here's why I LOVE doll quilts:
For me, doll quilts are meant to be imperfect. I don't usually measure, iron, or plan ahead on doll quilts. I actually start working on it, and add to it as needed. I also like to try different quilting designs, in this one I tried was fun and I realized I need to work on circles.

I used whatever size scraps of white I had lying around, the white borders are all different sizes, which I discovered I really like. After attaching all my white borders, I wanted the quilt to be a little bigger, so I added the pink to one side, and voila...perfect. The pink strip has become my favorite part about this quilt. If I had planned and measured, the pink never would've happened. I wish I took this approach with larger quilts, I love how it turned out.


  1. I love how your doll quilt turned out! Sometimes designs are better when they are unplanned!

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Well, it turned out adorable. More great use of that fabric.

  3. Stop wishing, start doing. I too love that pink strip!

  4. totally cool...great scraps! love the pink swash...makes the quilt!

  5. Wow, that's lovely with the Anna Marie Horner fabric in it (is that what it is???) You've inspired me to use more white in my quilts, something I don't do very much of. (Yet!) I just finished some doll quilts for my daughter's new Olympic dolls but have to move on the baby size with four babes on the way between Dec and April! Sara

  6. I like your wide border on one side.
    Wish my Chinese coins was a doll quilt. Had to pull one row undone, slow unpicking with strips 2.5 x8" approx
    Am using a jelly roll fall back in time and I think I have fallen away from it. Must try and sew back to where I was and progress from there. Doll's quilts sound good.

  7. Oh it's so lovely! I'm with you - measuring is no fun! It's hard to just cut loose with a full sized quilt though - I understand completely!

  8. Love your quilt. Very fun and free and the pink makes it!
    Love it and the circles!

  9. i love it! i like how it isn't perfectly measured too! it's a favorite! :)

  10. Really, really lovely. I also think the pink strip totally makes the quilt.

  11. that quilt is wonderful! I'd recommend that you let loose on the larger's so worth it. scary at first, but so worth it! and if it doesn't work out, cut it apart and start over again. :)

  12. It's precious! I love all the pink :)

  13. Wow! Awesome quilt in beautiful colors. Great job!

  14. Ohhhhhh! I love it! Stunning! The pink panal down the side, perfect!

  15. What a gorgeous colour combination... Very cute!! Lx
