
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

the morgan quilt

(inspired by this quilt)
i thought i was going to put this away for a while, but i changed my mind and decided to just finish it!i found an 'error' in this quilt. a very minor error, that i don't really mind at all. can you see it? on the right side of the quilt, the mustardy yellow is butted right next to the aqua just above it. there should be some white in between. i can't believe i didn't notice until it was completely finished! i kind of like these kind of accidents. i like to think they give the quilt character and make it look handmade.


  1. So nice!! I love love love the wonkiness of the blocks! Really a lovely sweet quilt. And you know, I like mistakes like that too. Makes the quilt "realer" somehow.

  2. Very sweet quilt!
    The error is darling actually ;)

  3. I think it looks great. I love those "mistakes", too. They give the quilts a sort of realness. Or maybe that is just my excuse!

    I've got a bunch of the Mendocino fabric on order (different colorway, though). I'm so excited to get it!

  4. I really enjoy your blog, it makes me feel like my items are ok too when I have an error! I love your quilts!

  5. love those colors! I had seen that fabric myself, and wondered what to do with it... Its beautiful and it must feel good to have it complete.

  6. Love the quilt. It looks yummy!ooxx`jod

  7. It's beautiful! You're right, it's the little "mistakes" that make each quilt unique.

  8. I absolutely love the colors!

    My grandmother has always said (as her mother did) that every good quilt will have one 'mistake'.

    It seems that this quilt is very good.

  9. this quilt is fabulous! and I love the inspiration one as well.

  10. This quilt is gorgeous! I don't think I would have noticed any mistakes. It makes the project more charming that it's handmade, like a signature. I am growing to love these fabrics more and more.

  11. what a beautiful quilt. I just want to snuggle under it. I need to do more with white... I guess white just scares me. Maybe cause I think lime green is a neutral!

  12. I find your little mistake a charming addition to your beautifully constructed quilt. It really is a pretty quilt.

  13. i love this quilt! the colors are so pretty together and i didn't notice the "mistake" until you pointed it out. i love the binding!

  14. I agree mistakes give quilts more character. :) It looks great!

  15. fab u lous! i love your fabric choices in this. the boo boo definitely gives the quilt character...though i never would have seen it on my own.

  16. Your quilt is fantastic!

    PS This is one of my favorites in the swap too.

  17. I think this is my fav of yours!! It is just so stunning. Love all the colors!

  18. It looks awesome. I love your colors and fabrics and the little square jutting out gives it just the right character. Just say that it is supposed to do that!
