
Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Almost done with this top, and pleased with how it's turning out. About halfway through making my squares, I got really worried that it was going to be too busy. I should be used to this moment of panic, it happens with almost every quilt I make, fortunately with this quilt I exhaled a phew when I saw it laid out.
I like it.


  1. Oh my gosh it's looking GREAT! Not to busy in the least! Love it.

  2. I really like it. The colors are great and the shape is so cool.

  3. love these zig zag quilts! i don't think it's too busy at all...i'd say bold and fabulous!

  4. it's wonderful!!! I so need to make a zig zag quilt. I almost always have that moment of panic with my quilts, too. I guess that's the hazard of making your own designs. (i'll happily take that any day.)

  5. It's going to look wonderful! I think the scale in the prints are just perfect!

    Heather Ross is just such a fantastic designer, ITA with your previous post :)
